White Menu’ Coloribo vegetarian menu with biological local produce from Apulia: traditional taste, colors of the land and art inspired innovation.

White symbolizes :  Balance, purity, solemnity, a fresh start
Typical Ingredients are: vanilla, almond, jasmine, white rice , fennel, cabbage, daikon, radishes, garlic, artichoke
Typical Nutrients are: B vitamins, tryptophan.

Queen’s salad

What do I use?

1 fennel

2 pieces of daikon

1 cucumber

3 radishes

1 ricotta cheese cubes

1 almonds

1 sesam seeds

1 white grape

Jasmine flowers to decorate

Extra virgin olive oil



White vinegar

Pink salt

How do I prepare it?

In una ciotola disporre il daikon o sedanorapa tagliato a nastro, i cetrioli tagliati a rondelle, i ravanelli a spicchi, la fetta di cacioricotta a cubetti, i chicchi di uva bianca tagliati a metà, le mandorle intere, i semini di sesamo. Frullare poi nel mixer l’olio con l’aceto di vino bianco, limone, zenzero, sale rosa e le barbe del finocchio. Miscelare con tutti gli ingredienti, disporre l’insalatina nel guscio di un finocchio e alla fine aggiungere i fiori di gelsomini.

Gli ingredienti così disposti creeranno un gioco  multisensoriale di consistenze e gusto molto delicato e per palati di alto rango.


In a bowl, place the daikon or sedan cut into ribbons, the cucumber cut in rounds, the peeled radishes, the ricotta cubes, the white grapes cut in half, the whole almonds, the sesame seeds. Then blend the oil into the mixer with white vinegar, lemon, ginger, pink salt and fennel beets. Mix with all the ingredients, place the salad in the shell of a fennel and eventually add the jasmine flowers.

This meal will create a multisensory game of consistency and a delicate taste and high-quality palates.

Tips :

To make this recipe vegan, replace the ricotta cheese with almond / cashew or marinated tofu cheese.

White Menù vegan / raw vegan

Queen’s salad with fennel, frisé salad, green apples, cucumbers, sesame seeds, almonds and delicate lemon-based dip.

Zucchini lasagna with bechamel and champignon mushrooms.                                                     

Daikon carpaccio Carpaccio with fennels / cucumbers seasoned with leek and artichoke’s heart dip.

White Vegetables Tartare seasonal produce with artichoke’s heart cream 

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