Coloribo blog


My new Art-Studio based in Bari,Southern Italy

My new Art-Studio based in Bari,Southern Italy

My art-studio is open if you want see and buy colorfull contemporary paintings. Based in Bari in southern  Italy, near the sea . You can eating focaccia and vegetables sauces and visiting my art-studio in Bari town ( Italy). Only booking visits from July. My Istagram...

Apulian Private-chef Bice Perrini

Apulian Private-chef Bice Perrini

What is Coloribo?  Coloribo is a way of eating that is inspired by the colors of the Mediterranean diet. It helps with losing weight, keeping a healthy heart and reducing the risk of diabetes. In other words, by stimulating your creativity and the five senses, it...

Kids food-lab Coloribo

Kids food-lab Coloribo

Coloribo’s workshop: In the kitchen like in a painter’s studio This part of my book is all dedicated to the Coloribo workshop for children and families. Food education for families is the fundamental basis for healthier people in the future. In this field, Art and a...

Music and color-Painting

Music and color-Painting

Music and Color-Painting   If we were able to observe the air during a concert we could see colors moving in the space. If you love music you can see it! There are a lot of studies and treatises about this topic, but we are interesting to background music to eat...

Mediterranean Coloribo week’s Menu

FROM THE RECIPES OF THE PAST WE MAKE THE FOOD of TOMORROW. . Mediterranean Coloribo week’s menu. Based on the Mediterranean diet Coloribo  gives some indication as to a type of weekly color-diet guide. The week is composed of seven days as the seven colors of the...



New Mediterranean Color-diet by Bice Perrini private-chef      Coloribo is a food-method that is ispired to the colors of Mediterranean-diet, it helps to lose weight, keeps the hearth healthy, reduces the risk of diabetes, it makes it easy to keep fit, stimulates...



coloribo_pieghevole_interno_INGLESE COLORIBO The New way to eat color following Mediterranean-diet What makes us happy in life? Food is one of the pleasure of life and we remember what brought us pleasure. So with(in this book) Coloribo I try to find a universal...

COLORIBO : Mediterranean  Color-diet by Bice Perrini

COLORIBO : Mediterranean Color-diet by Bice Perrini

My names is Bice Perrini, I am an artist from Bari(Apulia)in Italy, who has always been fond of colours. Transferring my art to food I have coined the term ‘Coloribo’ (which is the short form of ‘color and food’), an attempt to invite people to paint with food and to...

Yellow Menu

Yellow Menu

Yellow Menu Pumpkin flowers, pepper extract with yellow apple, nuts, corn, caciocavallo cheese and much more.Radish salad with strawberries and oblong tomatoes . Yellow symbolizes : Action, movement, vitality, fertility Typical Ingredients are: turmeric, ginger, nuts,...

White Menu

White Menu

White Menu’ Coloribo vegetarian menu with biological local produce from Apulia: traditional taste, colors of the land and art inspired innovation. White symbolizes :  Balance, purity, solemnity, a fresh start Typical Ingredients are: vanilla, almond, jasmine, white...

Red Menu

Red Menu

Red Menu Inspired by the Harmoni in Red by Matisse. It reflects the Mediterranean Diet, with garden fruits rich in lycopene and antioxidant anthocyanins that help the digestion. Red symbolizes :  Excitement, energy, love, passion Typical Ingredients: Red pepper,...

Orange Menu

Orange Menu

Orange Menu Wednesday's menu inspired by Turner's sunset, based on garden fruits rich in beta-carotene for cardiovascular benefits. Orange symbolizes :  Harmony, creativity, ambition, understanding Typical Ingredients are: cloves, marjoram, musk, bran , carrot, lotus,...

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